FBEN offers a free membership. Members are from are nonprofit, for-profit, and community-based farms, producing vegetables, animals, fiber, timber, and other natural resource products. Member programs serve all ages from infant visitors with their parent, through K to 12 grades, to university students and adults throughout their lives. Members are teachers and teaching assistants, ecologists, research assistants, FoodCorps and AmeriCorps services members, nutritionists, doctors, garden coordinators, and of course urban, suburban, and rural farmers. In 2015, 49% of members were in rural areas; 68% operated at a nonprofit, and over one third had an operating budget under 50,000 annually.

Someday Farm, East Dorset, VT

In 2024, the FBEN membership grew to 5,126 members. The majority of our members come from the United States, but over the past ten years individuals from the international community have joined as well, representing the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Greece, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, New Zealand, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Slovakia, Taiwan, Tasmania, Thailand, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.
Please note that while membership is by individual, only member organizations are listed below. Members can choose to be visible to others by joining the FBEN Member Directory. You can view the Directory by clicking the button in your latest FBEN newsletter from "".