This network would not exist without the dedication and vision of the Founding Partners of the FBEN, who came together in 2006 to establish the Farm-Based Education Association. Since then, Founding Partners have volunteered as Board, Working Group or Advisory Board members of the FBEN. Many hours were spent, many miles covered and plenty of butcher paper was provided to the process of establishing and maintaining this important resource.

All of these individuals are celebrated in their own communities for the work they do and have done in their fields (literally/figuratively). They will also be forever celebrated for their collective contributions to the FBEN. Thank you to these generous and thoughtful professionals! (Listed with their 2006 affiliations.)
Michael Abelman
Center for Urban Agriculture at Fairview Gardens, British Columbia, CA
Marci Birkes
Stonewall Farm, Keene, NH
Megan Camp
Shelburne Farms, Shelburne, VT
Wayne Castonguay
Appleton Farms, Ipswich, MA
Erin Cinelli
Spannocchia Foundation, Portland, ME
Patrick Connors
The Farm School, Athol, MA
Daphne Derven
The Emeril Lagasse Foundation, New Orleans, LA
Rolf Diamant
Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historic Park, Woodstock, VT
Brian Donahue
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Sam Feldman
The FARM Institute, Edgartown, MA
Judy Fink
Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture, Pocantico Hills, NY
Matthew Goldfarb
Cornell University's Small Farms Program, Ithaca, NY and The FARM Institute, Edgartown, MA
Ben Holmes
The Farm School, Athol, MA
Dana Hudson
National Farm to School Network, Shelburne Farms, Shelburne, VT
Antoine Jacobsohn
Kitchen Garden of the King, Versailles, France
Jen James
Farm Aid and Codman Community Farms, Cambridge, MA
Nena Johnson
Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture, Pocantico Hills, NY
David Kahn
N. American Montessori Teachers Association, Burton, OH
Grey Lee
Land’s Sake, Weston, MA
Tia Pinney
Drumlin Farm and Massachusetts Audubon Sanctuary, Lincoln, MA
Brooke Redmond
Farm-Based Education Association and Radish Road, Concord, MA
Rachel Schneider
Hawthorne Valley Farm, Ghent, New York
Louise Schorn Smith
Countryside Consulting, Glenmoore, PA
Kris Scopnich
Drumlin Farm Massachusetts Audubon Sanctuary, Lincoln, MA
Scott Stokoe
Dartmouth College Organic Farm, Hanover, NH
John H. Vogel Jr.
Allwin Initiative for Corporate Citizenship Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH
Michele Wales
Delaware Nature Society, Hockessin, DE